Office of Research


The Office of Research (OR) formerly part of the Office of Research, Planning, and Development under the Office of the Rector and President was separated as an independent department in May 2017. It is intended to oversee research activities and scholarly works of the students and the faculty members in the university. OR also provides a supportive environment for different educational research projects from outside the university.

Our Vision

In a life of truth and love out of gratitude, we, through other support services, seek to create a research culture which enables, fosters, and rewards innovation, knowledge generation, creativity, linkages, and collaborations here and abroad. We envision the Office of Research as the dominant hub and incubation center of research endeavors in the region in support of making UST-Legazpi a deregulated university by 2025.

Our Mission

In line with our goal of becoming a leading university in the region, we, the Office of Research, in carrying out the institution’s mission, commit ourselves to:

  • promote the value of research culture and accountability among researchers in the university;
  • engage in multidisciplinary research integrated with instruction and extension in accordance with the ethical research principles and standards;
  • provide quality research consultative services to students, employees, and external researchers; and
  • strengthen research linkages and collaborations with local, national, and international partners.

Guiding Philosophy

Anchored on the research philosophy framed by the DOMNET Research Committee, UST Legazpi shall “involve the systematic and continuing search for truth based on reason illumined by faith and permeated with Christian values to increase human knowledge and contribute to the development of the human person in harmony with nature”. Furthermore, with seamless education the University endeavors to engage more in the search for knowledge through rigorous research through the synergy of Instruction, Research, and Extension in close partnership with other institutions and agencies both local and international to realize undertakings of the university.

The university research program emphasizes the interdependence of Instruction, Research, and Extension as an integral part of the trifocal function of a university. Through such integration, the University is towards the complete realization of being a research university responsive to global, national, and local needs and realities.


1.       To inculcate among students and employees the value of intellectual and moral righteousness.

2.       To ascertain that proper research ethics is in place.

3.       To imbue positive social and emotional maturity in research endeavors.

4.       To involve the community in spiritual, moral, and emotional programs grounded on the values of charity and gratitude.

5.       To imbibe positive social and emotional maturity in all research endeavors.

6.       To promote physical, mental, and emotional health in all research endeavors.

7.       To advance and promote social and emotional transformation through various research programs.

8.       To promote and encourage excellence, creativity, and innovation in research and scholarly works.

9.       To provide an atmosphere that supports the research and scholarly works of the university’s employees and students.

10.    To promote and involve the whole Legazpi Thomasian community in research.

11.    To produce scholarly works and publications in various local, national, and international publications.

12.    To establish the research culture in the university through various research program.

13.    To work towards the local and international accreditation of the various academic programs in the university.

14.    To monitor compliance with the requirements of statutory and regulatory research agencies and quality management bodies.

15.    To implement research confidentiality on data privacy and data protection.

16.    To comply with the quality standards set by the university in all research undertakings.

University Research Agenda

The Office of Research sets the University Research Agenda with the following directions:

1. To conduct basic researches that will provide the basis for developing new knowledge and applied researches that will contextualize prevailing knowledge in the different academic disciplines which are relevant to UST-Legazpi transformative education defined by UST-LEGAZPI research categories:

  • Sustainable Growth with Equity and Stability;
  • Promotion of Full, Decent, and Productive Employment;
  • Enhancement of Industry Competitiveness and Services;
  • Strengthening Information and Communication Technology;
  • Tourism Development;
  • Accelerating Infrastructure Development;
  • Sustainable Management and Natural Resources;
  • Investing in Education and Training;
  • Enhancement of  Health Care;
  • Access to Shelter;
  • Protecting Vulnerable Groups;
  • Secure Balanced Regional Development;
  • Securing Peace and Development; and
  • Fighting Poverty with Good Governance.

2. To integrate research and extension program of the university through its advocacy:

  • Transformative Education;
  • Environment and Biodiversity;
  • Peace and Good Governance;
  • Sustainable Development;
  • Disaster Risk Management;
  • Bikol Culture;
  • Gender and Development;
  • Human Rights;
  • People Empowerment;
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Nationalization of Vital Industries; and
  • Consumers’ Rights.

3. To conduct research that will provide data and information for administrative policy making in quality assurance key result areas:

  • Governance and Management;
  • Quality of Teaching and Research;
  • Support for Students;
  • Relations with the Community; and
  • Management of Resources.

Office of Research Staff and Directory

Christine Grace M. Azul, MAEd


Isagani B. Jacob, MST-Chemistry

Assistant Director

Jason O. Carmona

Management Staff

Trunklines: (052) 736-0335 / 736-0358 / 736-0368 (loc) 279

E-mail Address:

University Journals


The Official Journal of Aquinas University


The Official Student Research Refereed Journal of University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi 

The Official Graduate Research Refereed Journal of Aquinas University of Legazpi

Copyright 2019. University of Santo Tomas - Legazpi