
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program focuses on providing safe, quality, and holistic care for the protection and promotion of health and wellness and the prevention of illness and injury so that people and communities may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.

Aside from the clinical side of healthcare, students are also trained on the administrative aspects of nursing, such as hospital organizational structure, patient classifications systems, performance evaluation, budgeting, delegating tasks, hiring, staffing, scheduling, and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.

BSN is also a preparatory program for a Medicine degree.


Program duration: 4 years

PAASCU Level II Re-accredited program


Job opportunities:

Hospital Nurse

Public Health Nurse

Private-Duty Nurse

Occupational Health Nurse

School Nurse

Military Nurse (Army, Navy. Flight Nurse)

Clinical Researcher

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