Radical Behaviorism and the Successful Expression of Gender Identity

Radical Behaviorism and the Successful Expression of Gender Identity

by Nikki T. Estevez, RPm, Instructor, Social Sciences Department Aquinas University of Legazpi

Radical Behaviorism

Burrhus Frederic Skinner cemented the groundwork of Thorndike and Watson, that human behavior can be studied scientifically, by being the forerunner to Scientific Behaviorism.

Gender Identity

one’s self-identification as male or female. Although the dominant approach in psychology for many years had been to regard gender identity as residing in individuals, the important influence of societal structures, cultural expectations, and personal interactions in its development is now recognized as well.


The period of an individual’s life where he or she has successfully acknowledged themself, past the exploratory age, and unto the period where they are to fully express their realized ideal self.

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