The following list is not based on the exam ratings. It’s alphabetically arranged by LASTNAME.

List of Passers

  1. ABOGA, Leila Y. (6th Placer, Regional Level)
  2. ARIAS, Jazmin A.
  3. ARMERO, Janice R.
  4. BAMBA, Agnes M.
  5. BANUA, Christine M.
  6. BORRAS, Lenny A.
  7. DE LA TORRE, Cecilia L.
  8. ESPERA, Pamela F.
  9. GRANDIOSA, Mariscotes
  10. HUELVA, Jesha Ros S.
  11. MARTINEZ, Roel C.
  12. MIÑA, Meah E.
  13. MONREAL, Cristina C. (8th Placer, Regional Level)
  14. ORPIADA, Honeylene B.
  15. PAULINO, Glenda A.
  16. REAMICO, Cleus B.
  17. SANORJO, Mark Laurence B.
  18. SEAGAN, Roxanne Claudette
  19. SEVILLANO, Angeli A.
  20. SUMALDE, Arlene T.
  21. TEJADA, Mark Glen L.
  22. TEVES, Lilyvic A.
  23. ZAMUDIO, Maria Belen S.

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