Safety and Security

The security and safety of the Legazpi Thomasian community is a task performed by this unit. The University acquires the services of a reputable security agency and ensures that only competent and qualified security personnel are assigned to the University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi. Comments, suggestions, and recommendations regarding this service should be addressed to the University Security and Safety Officer under the Office of Student Services.

The Safety and Security of UST-Legazpi is the first-ever University to produce a security manual to ensure the proper implementation of the safety of the entire Legazpi Thomasian community.

 UST-Legazpi Emergency Response Team

The University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi effort for disaster management and emergency response or Anduyog Bikol, traced back in the year 1999. When Mayon volcano erupted in July of that year, the university through the Office of the Secretary General and Student Development Services Office initiated the call for disaster response. The administrators, faculty, non-teaching personnel and students joined hands to respond to the call of the situation. The calamity immediately drove the university to relief and fundraising effort. Anduyog Bikol’s disaster management framework emanates from a comprehensive view of disasters as caused by varied natural and human-caused hazards and the holistic, people-centered and sustainable approaches in addressing them.

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