High tension, expectations with tough demands from clients, and many other factors translate to work stress which affect the performance level of both an employee and employer. Most of the time, if left unwatched, this can lead to counter-productivity or inefficiency.

That is why, at UST-Legazpi, employees are being nurtured and equipped to confront stressors by helping them find happiness in the workplace. With this, the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) and Office of Guidance and Testing (OGT) in partnership with Children and Youth Wellness, Technical and Advocacy Center (CYWTAC) Inc., conducted a session on mental health tagged as “Less Stress, More Happiness in the Workplace: A Mental Wellness Growth and Development Session” for all Legazpi Thomasian Employees on February 14, 2023, Valentine’s Day. The event was held at the UST-Legazpi Dome with CYWTAC’s Executive Director, Dr. Marylendra A. Penetrante, CLC, CMHA, as the resource speaker.

The said initiative aimed to recognize the importance of holistic well-being and happiness in personal life, more so, in the workplace; to focus on specific ways to practice and improve their skills in managing stress, and; understand the practical options for taking care of employees’ mental health.

Dr. Neth, as her clients call her, is a Psychologist and at the same time wellness advocate and life skills coach. Her expertise in cultivating a positive outlook in life while battling everyday stressors in the workplace made her the top-notch guest for the said event.

Interactive exercises, engaging discussions, and fascinating talk points encompassed the entire session of Dr. Neth which garnered undivided attention from the employees who took that afternoon as part of their Mental Health Break.

“Gratefulness is the main characteristic of a happy person,” opened Dr. Penetrante, that hit one of the university’s core values which is gratitude, “and happy people are grateful people,” she continued.

With her insights into life navigation, Dr. Neth was able to help the participants in finding their way toward outgrowing stress and emerging as individuals who can boost their productivity amidst stressful conditions around them.

For her parting words, Dr. Neth advised the Legazpi Thomasian employees on how to successfully find happiness in the workplace, “We respond. We adapt. We survive.”

Copyright 2019. University of Santo Tomas - Legazpi