The College of Arts, Sciences, and Education (CASE) envisions itself to be a sanctuary of excellence in Communication Arts, Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Teacher Education, forming graduates complemented with research and community involvement, nurtured with nationalism, social responsibility, and leadership; enriched with Bikolano, Filipino, Dominican, Catholic, and Christian values.
CASE is a seat of learning that forms the youth to become artists, scientists, educators, scholars, and leaders who are intellectually and emotionally mature, morally upright, highly skilled, and globally competitive.
As the sanctuary of excellence in Communication Arts, Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Teacher Education, we, in the College of Arts, Sciences and Education, envision ourselves to producegraduates imbued with research skills, love for community involvement, nationalism, social responsibility and leadership, enriched with Bicolano, Filipino, and catholic Dominican and Christian values that will boost the University’s quest for deregulation by 2025.
As the seat of learning of arts, sciences, and teacher education, we, in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education, commit ourselves to hone the youth to become artists, scholars, and leaders who are intellectually and emotionally mature, morally upright, highly skilled, and globally competitive all geared towards a holistic educational transformation.
PAASCU Level II Re-accredited Program
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Arts in Communication program is designed to develop theoretical and practical skills in preparation for careers in journalism, media, advertising, public relations, or even business. Students are expected to master radio, television, and print media, and all other media involved in information transmission and dissemination.
Job Opportunities
Radio/TV Anchors, Filmmakers, Events organizers, Journalists, Advertisers, Academicians, Content Writers, Public Relations Officers, Newswriters, Broadcasters, Editors, Internet Content Developers, Speech Writers, Human Resources Management, Marketing Practitioners
PAASCU Level II Re-accredited Program
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy program studies general and fundamental questions about reality, dwelling on aspects such as that of human nature, existence, reason, society, civilization, culture, and religion. It aims to teach students how to analyze philosophical arguments and texts, construct and present sound judgments, and investigate based on logical reasoning.
Job Offerings
Educators, Social Workers, Journalists, Public Servants, Researchers, Broadcasters, Relations Managers, Human Resource Officers
PAASCU Level II Re-accredited Program
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Arts in Political Science program focuses on the study of governments, history, and forms of political institutions, behavior, and policies. It includes the study of national and international political systems with topics on public administration, government policies, and international relations.
Job Offerings
Politicians, Consultants, Public Servants, Political, Educators, Relations Managers, Researchers, Writers/Authors, Social Workers, Sales Representatives
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology studies human behavior through scientific methods and concepts. Students apply theories and principles to conduct and interpret different kinds of tests, skills, and personalities in preparation for careers in teaching, research, counseling, or human resources.
Job Opportunities
Psychologists, Educators, Sales Representatives, Psychometricians, Research Specialists, Guidance Counselors, Writers/Authors, Consultants, Case Workers, Human Resource Specialists
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program studies elements and compounds – their composition, structure, properties, and behavior – and the changes that occur during a reaction with other substances. The program primarily includes courses in chemistry, supported with courses in biology, mathematics, and physics. It also includes the teaching of standard laboratory procedures and use of chemical instrumentation.
Job Opportunities
Chemists, Educators, Laboratory Technicians/Assistants, Writer/Authors, Consultants, Medical Representatives, Sales Representatives, Research Specialists, Entrepreneurs
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Early Childhood Education program prepares students to be effective educators for children in preschool. It focuses on concepts and theories of teaching and child psychology, using techniques and instruction materials suitable for the learning and formation of young learners.
PAASCU Level II Re-accredited Program
Program duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Elementary Education program prepares its students to become grade school teachers. The program combines the art and science of teaching children to provide future educators with a solid foundation on developmentally appropriate practices in effective childhood care and education.
PAASCU Level II Re-accredited Program
Program Duration: 4 years
The Bachelor of Secondary Education program studies theoretical and practical components to prepare students in facilitating the education and holistic development of secondary level students.
BECEd/BEEd/BSEd Job Opportunities
Teachers in private and public schools, Tutors, Research Specialists, Bankers, Clerks, Writers/Authors, Media Practitioners, Entrepreneurs, Sales Representatives, Medical Transcriptionists
Facebook, Instagram: @ustlegazpi
Vita Veritatis et Amoris ex Gratitudine
A Life of Truth and Love out of Gratitude